Monday, June 20, 2011

miss m...senior no more!

so first let me apologize for not blogging like i should be. :(  i enjoy blogging and letting everyone see what is new and going on in CKP land.  and thank you all for being a part of it.

so a couple weeks ago, i met the lovely miss m.  let me just saw that this was a photographers dream.  a lake, horses, trucks, fields of flowers, dogs, and sooo much more.  i had such a good time.  miss m is so nice and sweet and so pretty!  first we drove the golf carts to the lake to do some shots.  i commented on how pretty the color of the lake was and what do you know...her dad dyed it for the photo shoot for her!  love it.  then we drove the carts to a place by a fence and then we travelled along the fields, did some pics with her granddad's old truck, and her boyfriend, dogs and ended up with her dad using a fork lift to lift her in the biiiiiiiiiiig tree!!!  soooo much fun!

anywho, i call her 'senior no more' cause she graduated a couple weeks ago and will be attending the land of the gamecocks in the fall.  good luck with all you do m!

one thing that i love to see is if my clients and i have the same tastes in photos.  i love to recieve orders to see if they are a match.  i often think about the vision of the photo in my favorite ones.  one of my fav's was the top left picture by the lake.  she ordered blank cards to use for 'thank you's' and for stationary.  just a reminder to all my clients: i can create invites, cards, or any other special orders you may have!  just let me know what you are looking for.